Pharmaceutical and Biotech reps open to upgrading their career and looking at new opportunities we have to offer.
- We listen to your career aspirations. We don’t put square pegs into round holes!
- Our foundation was created from direct experience and having “carried the bag,” giving us an in-depth knowledge of the industry.
- We eat, breathe and sleep the Pharmaceutical/Biotech industry. This is our niche! This is the market we serve.
- We have access to industry leaders and use those contacts to stay abreast of the industry’s shifts and changing personnel needs. We constantly evaluate your aspirations with current employment opportunities.
- Our recruiting services are paid for by the Pharmaceutical/Biotech client not the candidate.
- We serve as your free eyes and ears in the industry. While you are in the field being a “rock star,” we are behind the scenes speaking with seasoned, industry veterans understanding where the next industry shifts are going. By building a relationship with us, we are able to keep you on our radar to provide future openings that will upgrade your career.
- We serve as a marketing tool! We are educators, matchmakers and career strategists. We do not tell you what you want to hear; we ask you questions that will motivate you to find your answers. Will one of our opportunities help you get there?
- Looking at new opportunities doesn’t mean you have to leave your current position, it means you are watching out for you. If you don’t strategically keep an open mind and a pulse on potential new career opportunities, who will? The beauty about looking at new positions is you still get to keep your current job.
- When you "upgrade yourself" you increase your marketability. If you are going to work 40 hours a week, why shouldn't you put yourself in the best possible career position putting the best possible points on your resume?
- We place candidates that have prior Pharmaceutical sales experience. For other candidates Palmer & Young, Inc. offers Personal and Corporate Coaching services. A coach/candidate relationship will help you become a desirable candidate and more marketable to Pharmaceutical employers. Upgrading your resume is part of the process of packaging yourself into a desirable candidate.